Thursday 14 May 2015



       You have a good memory; you are soft
spoken, but you are also very whimsical.

       You are very sensitive and emotional,
and are prone to get nervous easily.

       You love to spend time with your family,
relatives and close friends.

       You love peace and you make peace. You
are always the pacifier when quarrels take
place among your close ones.

       You are most likely to be involved in a
skill-based occupation, and you are very
business minded.

       Monday born women might suffer from
anemia related problems, weakness,
insomnia and dizziness.
       You ought to take a
lot of vitamins and exercise regularly in
order to stay fit.

       Monday born men love food and are
mostly misers. But they also lead
disciplined lives and are immensely
successful in their jobs.

       Girls born on a Monday grow up to be
very good wives and mothers. They are
loving and caring and take good care of
their close ones.

If you were born on a TUESDAY:

       You are very active, lively and have a
vivacious demeanor.
       You have warrior-like
qualities.You are brave and serious in your work,
and will always have people to help you out.

       You worry a lot and the more you worry,
the more problems you attract in your life.

       You should learn to let go and relax; and
lead a hassle free life. Simplify your living
and life will become more endearing.

       You are overtly materialistic. Though
your taste in material possessions is quite
good, but sometimes you overindulge and
end up buying more things than you need—
be it clothes or anything else. You should
learn to save money.

       Though you ask other’s opinions a lot,
you eventually do what you think is right.
So instead of asking around too much,
spend time thinking on your own and
weighing the pros and cons on your own
accord because in the end, you will take
your own decision.

       You are very straight-forward, and often
do not think before you speak. This results
in many people ending up in
misunderstanding you.
You are hardworking but also very
sensitive which makes you somewhat
difficult to deal with.

If you were born on a WEDNESDAY:

       You are quite witty and have a mind
curved specially for business.

       You are not very organized in your work
and have a cluttered thought process as

       You are not much concerned about your
looks or your surroundings—you are mostly
simple minded.

       You are curious by nature; you ask a lot
of questions and seek to communicate. You
are very active when it comes to
interacting with others and exchanging

       You are satisfied with your life most of
the time and are easily contented by what
you have.

       You are efficient in your work, and are
likely to do well in supervisory positions.

       You should keep your temper in check as
you are by birth short tempered which
comes in the way of your achieving success
in life and maintaining good relationships.

       Women born on Wednesdays, especially
after 6 PM, however exhibit different
characteristics: You are materialistic, highly
intelligent and sometimes, sly. You always
do things which will give you back
something in return.

If you were born on a THURSDAY:

       You are wise, optimistic and highly
understanding; you are respected a lot and
attract plenty of attention wherever you

       You have leadership qualities and are
likely to end up in high positions wherever
you work and in society as well.

       You work hard and carve your own path
towards success. You like to lead an
independent life.

       You are very stubborn and will have
difficulty in having many true friends in
life because of your inability to accept
healthy criticism.
       Also, you are very
straightforward and do not think much
before speaking which may offend people.

       You are easily bored and always require
something or the other to keep you
        You also love to travel a lot and
cannot sit at one place for long.

       You are well behaved and treat people
with respect, however if someone annoys
you or mistreats you, you hold grudge and
also think of taking revenge.

       Though you are intelligent and
conscientious, you have a somewhat
unusual character and an irritable
temperament that makes you difficult for
others to cope with.

       Friday born people are happy go lucky people
however the women are possessive and very
       Friday's women mentality and character
are very manlike, if they are in business they
will do very well as they have excellent EQ and
many friends around them.
        The men in general are generous in spending money with friends
and they are popular with the opposite sex.

       They are frugal with their own family members
though. They love travelling to other countries
and try their hands on new ventures.

       They are however sensitive people and
they take relationships very seriously, if they
are hurt by a certain party they will lament on
it for quite some time before they get over it.

       They usually wear only a few clothings
although they have many in their wardrobe,
they are sentimental with things they own.

       They seldom fall ill but if they do it may be
quite serious and take longer than usual to

       Months which are bad are March ,July,August
and September. During these months they
should keep a low profile and not get involve
in any venture, they should not be a gurantor
for anyone. Friday people have a six sense too
so they must believe in it otherwise they will
get into unnecessary trouble.
       Their color is blue which is their day color.
       They somehow have an affinity with the higher beings so they
tend to be spiritually knowledgeable by
themselves, even if they are short tempered it
is usually temporary.

       They are usually interested in business which generate big income but if they were to work
for people they will also attain a relatively good post gradually.

If you were born on a SATURDAY:

       You are generally serious and have a
good sense of responsibility which makes
you a very trusted person.

       You are prone to worrying too much and
get sad often suddenly by recalling past

       You are very intelligent, almost
perfectionist, and would do extremely well
in any kind of business.

       You like to maintain a high standard of
living and have a style of your own. The
clothes you wear, your overall get-up and
everything you do appears to have been
planned and purposeful even when it is

       You are prone to be rebellious but
sometimes it might be just for the sake of
it or without good reason.

       You are somewhat difficult to control
because in the end you do what you think
is right and what others say do not matter
much to you.

       You are not only stubborn but you also
do not trust many people—even if they are
your close friends or colleagues. You weigh
too much before making friends.

If you were born on a SUNDAY:

       You have a positive attitude towards life
and are generous in nature. You are also
very trustworthy.

       You are most likely to be an introvert
and have very few friends because of hot temper. You are very
suspicious and do not trust others much.

       You are very sensitive and are often too
moved by somebody else’s comment and
you think over it for too long.

       You are a thinker, but sometimes you
might get carried away and lose focus from
reality. You also have a tendency to

       You are very helpful in nature but are
also short tempered which might hamper
your relationship with others.
       You are independent and love to help
those in need. You are also stubborn in

       Due to your stubborn nature you find it
hard to work amicably with others and find
difficulty in dealing with situations where
some compromise and conformation is

         You ought to change your attitude otherwise you might find it hard to
survive in your workplace.

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