Saturday 9 May 2015



In the colonial days , the Europeans changed our names and gave us foreign names. It was a strategy used to take our power from us and make us forget our root . this is one of the reasons why some people still believe that Christianity was introduced to africa to humble us ( thus to make us powerless) because they always made sure you had a foreign name. African names  carry a lot of weight . for instance KUFFUOR( means fighter in akan ) and  DUPE  (in ewe means place of abundance) therefore if you are called ADDO KUFFOUR or GATOR DUPE it would carry much more weight  than PRINCE BROWN or ANTHONY RICHARDSON.  

Once upon a time Ghana’s first president  KWAME NKRUMAH  was called ‘’Francis’’ but he felt enslaved by that name so he decided to drop it. NANA DANQUAH AKUFFO-ADDO ( NPP Flag Bearer)  was also called ‘’William” but decided to drop it for the same reason . Your name can make and unmake  you because there is luck( good and bad) in the kind of  name you give to your children.
Why do you think God changed SAUL’S name to PAUL and ABRAM to ABRAHAM?.  Again, why do you think Jesus give each of his disciple a different name? . There is only one answer to this questions: because there is power in every name.

I am bringing up this topic because many people in Africa are copying blindly. We watch ‘telenovela’s (Telemundo)  and pick up names from it. I couldn’t believe my ears when I started  hearing names like ‘alhandro , Esmeralda , Rosalinda , maricruz ‘ etc. some of this names are named after gods you don’t know about and some are also meaningless. If our generations begin to follow this trend then we are doomed . For example, The name Sabina is related to river Sabine and its given to those close to the river  so why then should  someone from Africa bear that name. I am not saying that when you don’t  use your local name you would be unsuccessful . in the field of journalism,entertainment  field, politics etc, those with typical local names are much more popular and they climb higher. Even the day you were born has its characteristics and people born on each day have similar behavior.

Every name has a history and that is why it has influence on the individual. Your name tells everyone where you come from and the tribe your belong to. That is why in Ghana when u hear names like YAW,YAO and KWAO (belonging to the akan,ewe and fante tribe respectively) you can tell they were born on Thursday, you can easily identify their tribe and might behave similarly. I am not say saying European names are bad but pick names that have values and can be traced to your root. Let us  look at some names and their exact meaning;
Jacob means Deceiver
Barbara means stranger
 Claudia means Lame person
Belinda means Snake
Ex-President jerry John Rawlings(though he has foreign blood in him)  knows this secret that is why he gave all his children typical local names.Just think twice before you chose a name for your child because it can make and unmake him/her. Let us not make the mistakes of our forefathers . We have the power now to change  our children’s destiny. There are lots  of things we can learn from Europeans eg. Language , educational infrastructure , technology ,entertainment etc.
 DON’T COPY BLINDLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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